
MARIHE open access publications

  • MARIHE Master Thesis Reader: Each year, a "Master Thesis Reader" is published by University for Continuing Education Krems/Austria. This reader collects the master’s theses of one cohort. Each graduate writes an extended summary (an extract of his/her thesis), which serves as one chapter of the reader. In his/her summary, the graduate gives insight into the background (problem statement, research question, theoretical background), the methodology (approach in use), the key findings (main results), recommendations (for future research) and references. The reader is a collection of summarized master’s theses produced as the final and individual research project within the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE).

  • MARIHE Specials: These e-books publish the work of students with a thematic focus on modules from the curriculum, e.g. Quality Management and Human Resource Management.

MARIHE e-books are either published in PDF or in EPUB format, which can be viewed using the (free) software Adobe Digital Editions.


Master Thesis Reader 2021 


  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Master Thesis Reader. Research and Innovation in Higher Education 2021. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2022.
  • Access the reader


Master Thesis Reader 2018 


  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Master Thesis Reader. Research and Innovation in Higher Education 2018. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2022.
  • Access the reader


Master Thesis Reader 2017 


  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Master Thesis Reader. Research and Innovation in Higher Education 2017. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2022.
  • Access the reader


Master Thesis Reader 2016 


  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Master Thesis Reader. Research and Innovation in Higher Education 2016. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2016.
  • Access the reader


Special 3: Quality Management in Higher Education

Quality Management EBook
  • James Williams (ed.). Quality Management in Higher Education. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2016.
  • Access the e-book


Special 2.1: Human Resource Management in Higher Education - Case Studies and Future Scenarios

Cover Ebook
  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Human Resource Management in Higher Education - Case Studies and Future Scenarios. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2015.
  • Read more / Access the e-book


Master Thesis Reader 2015

Cover MaRIHEDUK 12
  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Master Thesis Reader. Research and Innovation in Higher Education 2015. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2015.
  • Access the reader


Special 2: Human Resource Management in Higher Education

Cover ebook
  • Attila Pausits (Ed). Human Resource Management in Higher Education. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2014.
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Special 1: New Public Management in Higher Education - International Overview and Analysis

Cover EBook 1.0
  • Attila Pausits / Gaoming Zheng / Rediet Tesfaye Abebe (eds.). New Public Management in Higher Education - International Overview and Analysis. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2014.
  • Read more / Access the e-book 


Master Thesis Reader 2014

  • Attila Pausits (ed.). Master Thesis Reader. Research and Innovation in Higher Education 2014. Edition Donau-Universität Krems: 2014.
  • Access the reader