
Erasmus Mundus full scholarships: Eligibility

Please note: This information is valid for student intakes 2019 - 2023. Please be aware that the information regarding the application procedure and the scholarship eligibility is subject to change for the next scholarship intake. Updated details will be provided as soon as possible. Please follow our website and social media channels for announcements.

The Erasmus+ Programme offers two categories of scholarships for participating in an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme (EMJMD):

A) Scholarships for scholarship holders from Erasmus+ PARTNER countries (scholarships of "category A") can be awarded to applicants who

  • are nationals of a country other than an Erasmus+ PROGRAMME country (see definition below) AND
  • who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the Erasmus+ PROGRAMME countries. The "last five years" are defined as the five years preceding the last day of February in the desired year of student intake. For applicants applying for student intake in 2023, this is the period 01 March 2018 to 28 February 2023. 

Erasmus+ PROGRAMME countries are defined as the 27 member states of the European Union (EU) plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia, the United Kingdom and Turkey.

B) Scholarships for scholarship holders from Erasmus+ PROGRAMME countries (scholarships of "category B") can be awarded to applicants who

  • do not fulfil the criteria for scholarship holders from Erasmus+ PARTNER countries defined above. 

Students fulfilling the eligibility criteria for both categories – e.g. students with a double nationality – must select the category of their choice. As a result, they are entitled to apply only to one of the two categories of scholarship at a time.

For both categories, the further eligibility criteria apply:

  • Students who have already obtained an EMJMD scholarship or an Erasmus Mundus Master Course/Joint Doctorate scholarship are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship under the EMJMD action. EMJMD scholarship holders cannot benefit from another EU funded scholarship scheme to follow the same EMJMD course and this for the entire period of the course. In case of false declarations, the student has to reimburse all scholarships unduly paid.
  • Students can apply for an EMJMD scholarship to any of the Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus courses of their choice (EMJMD catalogue: As of January 2022, there is no more official limit for the number of EMJMD programmes that the students can apply for.

Amount of Scholarships

MARIHE is a four-semester (two-year) Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme (EMJMD). Its mobility scheme includes a mandatory mobility period to a third country full partner, as all MARIHE students spend a lecture period (in the 3rd semester) either at consortium partner Beijing Normal University in China or Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology in India. Therefore, the scholarship scheme for MARIHE is the following:

1) Contribution to participation costs

  • for a scholarship holder from Erasmus+ PARTNER countries ("category A"): 6 000 € per year
  • for a scholarship holder from Erasmus+ PROGRAMME countries ("category B"): 4 500 € per year. In addition to that, MARIHE consortium will apply a fee waiver for the remaining participation costs.

This means that, for both types of scholarship holders, the Erasmus Mundus scholarship covers all participation costs in MARIHE (12 000 € for the whole programme/two years).

2) Contribution to travel and installation costs

The contribution to travel and installation costs takes into account the country of residence of the scholarship holder at the time of application to the EMJMD. (As a proof of residence, MARIHE Consortium may ask from applicants residence certificates and/or certificates regarding the applicant's occupational or educational situation.)

  • for a scholarship holder who is resident of an Erasmus+ PROGRAMME Country: 1 000 € travel costs per year
  • for a scholarship holder who is resident of an Erasmus+ PARTNER Country whose location is less than 4 000 km away from the Higher Education Institution (HEI) coordinating the EMJMD (in the case of MARIHE, this is University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria): 2 000 € travel costs per year plus a one-time payment of 1 000 € installation costs at the beginning of the EMJMD
  • for a scholarship holder who is resident of an Erasmus+ PARTNER Country whose location is more than 4 000 km away from the Higher Education Institution (HEI) coordinating the EMJMD (in the case of MARIHE, this is University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria): 3 000 € travel costs per year plus a one-time payment of 1 000 € installation costs at the beginning of the EMJMD

3) Contribution to subsistence costs ("monthly allowance")

  • for all scholarship holders: 1 000 € per month for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme (for MARIHE: at least until graduation; 24 months maximum)
  • Notice: Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study/research/internship placement/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence (which is the country of residence at the time of the student’s application to the programme), nor to scholarship holders from a Erasmus+ Partner Country for the EMJMD periods exceeding 3 months spent in any Erasmus+ Partner country.

EACEA Funding Scheme:


4) Insurance

  • All scholarship holders will receive an insurance meeting the minimum requirement for the health and accident insurance coverage of EMJMD students. The official document setting out these requirements by EACEA is availabe in the Download Section (Other documents). 
  • MARIHE Consortium registers scholarship holders with an appropriate insurer (group policy). Policy details will be communicated thereafter via E-Mail or MARIHE Moodle to the scholarship holders. Eventual claim management is handled directly between scholarship holders and insurer.

Following these regulations, special cases in MARIHE are: Students with a country of residency in Austria, Finland, China, India, Hungary or Germany

  • Subsistence costs (monthly allowances) will not be paid for the periods (months) of the EMJMD periods (study/research/internship placement/thesis preparation) spent in the respective country of residence.
    Example: A MARIHE student with Finland as country of residency at the time of application to MARIHE programme will not receive monthly allowances during the 2nd semester at Tampere University. If the student choses the specialisation "Research and Innovation" (offered by Tampere University), he/she will also not receive monthly allowances during the specialzation part of the 3rd semester and during the 4th semester, cf. section on mobility & specialisations.
  • Scholarship holders must spend at least two study periods in two Erasmus+ Programme countries (for MARIHE: Austria, Finland, Germany, Hungary), which must be different from their country of residence. 

For more information on eligibility and scholarships, cf. Erasmus+ Programme Guide in its most recent version, sections on EMJMD.