1st semester
University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems) / Austria
The first semester at University for Continuing Education Krems will lay the foundations for studying higher education management and development. Modules in this semester will address e.g. new public management, quality management and human resources in the context of higher education institutions.

2nd semester
Tampere University, Finland
The second semester at Tampere University will focus on how to study and develop higher education institutions as organizations. The main focus will be on universities’ role as innovation players and the characteristics of entrepreneurial universities.

3rd semester, 1st part
Beijing Normal University, China / Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
The first part of the third semester at Beijing Normal University or Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology will be dedicated foremost to questions of higher education policy and reform and to the role of higher education in society. A special seminar will reflect on students’ experiences made in the internship between second and third semester.